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Welcome to Trinity

Upcoming Important Dates:

  • Sunday, July 28th at 10am - Essex Ecumenical Worship Service on the Essex Green. No 9am service.

  • Sunday, August 25th - Outdoor worship @ 9am in church yard

Welcome to church!

Ok, well welcome to our church website. We’re excited you’ve given this moment right now to check our space out. We’re a bunch of people doing life…together. And we believe there is this spiritual, communal, and social aspect to each of us that makes doing life together worthwhile. We know you won’t get the full picture of who we are from this site, but we hope you get a snapshot of our community – people together trying to connect God to our everyday selves. Sometimes we do this well, and sometimes not, but always with sincere curiosity and full of heart. Thanks for being here.

Join us for Worship

We worship at 9am on Sundays during the summer beginning June 2nd.

Each week, the service that is streamed is alternated, so please check out the YouTube channel for the prior week's time to determine which service will be streamed this week.

Affirmation of Welcome

All are welcome…and we mean ALL. We welcome everyone, believing that our congregation’s mission is to share the love of Jesus. We reach out to you knowing there are differences in political views, marital statuses, ethnicities, educational levels, religious backgrounds, sexual orientations & gender identities, physical & mental abilities, and financial situations. Trinity Lutheran Church believes that all people are called by God and welcomed to Christ’s church. Whoever you are, from wherever you’re from, know you are welcome here.

Tuesday, December 20th, 2016